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Russia's Invasion of War Commemoration Ceremony in Jersey City February 13, 2023

We are sure there are many of us being approached to participate in events to honor Ukraine and its people with the upcoming anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Participating in such opportunities is critical in order to continue to maintain awareness of the war among the general public and underscore the need for their ongoing support. If you are participating in such a way, please share with the kurin.

Below is a recent such event in which Anya Tomko participated.


On Monday, February 13th, our Spartanka AnyaTomko had the honor of participating in an event in Jersey City hosted by Senator Bob Menendez to commemorate the lives lost in and the upcoming anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Following a press conference and a series of brief speeches, a procession was held where a wreath was carried and placed by the river while all attendees were given sunflowers to throw into the river.

After this ceremony a private meeting was held with senior representatives from USAID to discuss their ongoing support efforts in Ukraine. There were a number of representatives from key Ukrainian organizations present at this event and Anya was given the wreath to take with her and place it at the front entrance of the UACCNJ.

Attached is a picture of the flowers at the center and a few pictures from the event as well as two press releases where the speeches (among them Anya’s) can be heard.

Joined by refugees and families, Menendez reaffirms support for Ukraine as war nears first anniversary

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